An Inconvenient Truth: The Game-like project being worked on by Tetsuya Mizuguchi and Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth on DVDLumines producer Tetsuya Mizuguchi was recently asked at the “Grasshopper Manufacture’s game developers talk event” if the rumors about his involvement in an unannounced Al Gore project were true. He answered: “It’s not going to be a video game. The concept derives from video games, and its something which the gaming generation will appreciate.”

Although Mizuguchi was reluctant to talk about details at this point, he did say: “Like in the recent movie An Inconvenient Truth, we talk about preventing global warming, about conserving water, energy, reducing gas emissions and so on, but I think it is not easy. I think that we would need to see our own planet from outer space. We see that there are no borderlines between the countries and simply notice how beautiful it is. And maybe then, we will be more conscious about the environment. It’s about gaining a new perspective, like when we moved from 2D to 3D.”

Mizuguchi does plan to announce a new (Q Entertainment) game in the coming weeks. — From 1UP, via Joystiq