Will Hori bring rumble back to PS3 SixAxis controllers?

Hori Gameboy Player Controller BlackThe latest issue of Famitsu PS2 has a short Q&A session with Hori, maker of some of the finest officially-licensed PlayStation 2 peripherals. They also talk about the missing rumble from Sony’s new Sixaxis controller. IGN translated the part where Famitsu asked if Hori was considering a PS3 rumble peripheral, the representative said: “We have some ideas. However, we’d need cooperation from software makers.”

Let’s hope some third parties are willing to make their games compatible with a non-standard rumble accessory. Hori has three PS3 related items due for release at the Japanese launch. A multi card reader/writer, a set of SD cards, etc. Hori is a big player in the peripheral business, so expect true peripherals to show up soon. Hopefully, some of them will bring rumble back to PlayStation gaming.