Crysis storyline details and gameplay features narrated in new video

We’ve been looking forward to the Q1 2007 release of the PC game Crysis for a while now, yes in part because it looks so pretty. The below new video that showed up at Younewb really shows a lot of details about the game that you may have not seen or heard about. The storyline is explained a little more in depth, detailing the year’s date as 2021 and the asteroid that has crashed into the Earth. The Earth should have been sent back into another ice age like the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs but for some reason hasn’t. Amid rising tensions, between the North Korean and United States governments for control of the impact zone, the asteroid suddenly bursts open revealing a massive alien ship, which begins freezing vast portions of the island and altering the global weather system. The invasion of Earth has begun.

Along with the storyline details, the video also reveals a lot about gameplay features as well as the realism that is put into the game. Your weapon, the Scar, is fully customizable to your liking and has everything from scopes to suppressors, grenade launchers, and new types of ammo. Two of the types of ammo showcased are TAC ammo which will embed itself under the opponent’s skin and knock them out when you press the button as well as incendiary ammo which will burn your victims. Your nano suit is customizable also with armor upgrades, speed boosts, increased strength, and more. Finally, it goes on to talk about the destructible environments, intelligent A.I., and fully interactive surroundings.