The Great Nintendo Revolution name guess-a-ton

Nintendo RevolutionThe annual Game Developers Conference is this week from the 20th to 24th and rumor has it the Revolution’s real name will finally be confirmed this week at the show, probably as part of Nintendo president Saturo Iwata’s keynote speech titled “Disrupting Development” on Thursday.

While the Revolution may be a code-name, I kind of think it’s catchy. Everyone knows it by that name now too. Recalling the GameCube’s code-name being Dolphin and the in-between tentative name being StarCube. I don’t think anyone would mind the name Nintendo Revolution staying. But if that wasn’t an option, and YOU had to rename its final name, what would YOU name it? My choice is N5.

Here’s a movie with a first view of the Revolution-ary controller:

First up tomorrow is Sony (Worldwide Studios) president Phil Harrison to present a platform keynote address titled “PlayStation 3: Beyond the Box”. Of course the conference director Jamil Moledin dropped all kinds of “hints” that both companies would be announcing big news this week.