Beyond Good and Evil 2 still possible

Support a sequel, get Beyond Good And Evil for PS2Despite lacklustre multi-platform sales due to a lack of promotion surrounding the Beyond Good & Evil’s release. Michel Ancel just confirmed in the Dutch magazine Power Unlimited that Beyond Good and Evil 2 was in pre-production. To quote:

Question: A lot of gamers want to know if there’s going to be a BG&E 2 someday. Is this going to happen? Or will you focus purely on movies games from now on?

Michel Ancel: To be honest, we were working on pre-production for BG&E2 until King Kong arrived. That was a chance we couldn’t miss. BG&E is still very close to my heart. The story of Jade isn’t finished and I’d love to finish it. So if I were you, I wouldn’t give hope up just yet. I don’t know what my next game is going to be, but it’s not going to be a movie adaption game.