South Park: The Fractured But Whole Mr. Adam’s Headshots Locations Guide

Welcome to the South Park: The Fractured But Whole Mr. Adam’s Headshots locations guide that helps you find the total of 8 Mr. Adam’s Headshots locations in the PS4, Xbox One & PC RPG game.

Finding all 8 Mr. Adam’s Headshot locations and picking them up will help unlock the following:
* Bonus Rewards: 1 minor artifact with 75 might & 1 epic artifact with 100 might (that lets you move 1 more space and gives you $30 & XP).

The Timeline for all these in-game Mr. Adam’s Headshots locations is listed below.

Index of South Park: The Fractured But Whole Guides:

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Mr. Adam’s Headshots

For the “The Headshot Job” side quest you need to put 8 Headshot Posters up around South Park.

Tip: You can begin this “Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job” by talking to Mr. Adams in the Police Station’s Soft Room, which can be done from Day 1 after he calls you, but cannot be completed until you’ve progressed the storyline to Day 4 (to get the remove lava skill). And upon finding them all you’ll need to return them to him to complete it.

Where to find all Mr. Adam’s Headshots in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? The in-game collectibles locations for the Mr. Adam’s Headshots are described in this detailed video guide with Maka’s voice-over tips.

The Mr. Adam’s Headshots are listed in the step-by-step video, in the order that they appear chronologically.

Timeline in minutes for the Mr. Adam’s Headshots Locations Guide:

• [0:25] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #1: Park County Police Station – Entrance Desk
• [0:32] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #2: South Park City Hall – Community Board
• [0:43] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #3: South Park Community Center – Stage
• [1:00] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #4: South Park Elementary – Bull-etins Board (Fartkour Kite Buddy Ability required)
• [1:34] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #5: Stark’s Pond North – Bulletin Board (Sandblaster Anti-Lava Buddy Ability required)
• [2:20] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #6: Jimbo’s Guns – Bulletin Board
• [2:33] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #7: Peppermint Hippo – Wall of Fame
• [2:48] — Mr. Adam’s Headshot Location #8: Tweek Bros. Coffee – Front Cabinet

There you go! All Mr. Adam’s Headshots in South Park: The Fractured But Whole are yours! 🙂

I hope these tips helped you get all of the Mr. Adam’s Headshots hidden in the game.

Please check out our other “How To” guides listed at the top of this page to enjoy South Park: The Fractured But Whole more! 😀

Huge thanks to Maka for the guide video and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional South Park: The Fractured But Whole Mr. Adam’s Headshots location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!