ReCore Collectibles Locations Guide

Welcome to the ReCore Collectibles locations guide that helps you find the total of the Collectibles locations for Xbox One & PC action-adventure RPG-lite game.

Finding all Collectible locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievements:
* “Descent into Madness” (10 Gamerscore) — Find All of Julius Roldán’s log book entries.
* “Love You, Kiddo” (10 Gamerscore) — Find All of Thomas Adams’s log book entries.
* “Dust Devil” (10 Gamerscore) — Find All of Natalie Bright’s log book entries.
* “For the Revolution!” (10 Gamerscore) — Find All of Violet’s log book entries.
* “Color Cannon” (30 Gamerscore) — Upgrade Joule’s Energy Rifle.
* “Affinity Matrix” (40 Gamerscore) — Find all of the Energy Rifle Attachments.
* “Locked And Loaded” (10 Gamerscore) — Max out Joule’s Energy Rifle level.
* “Ding!” (10 Gamerscore) — Level Up a Corebot
* “All Grown Up” (10 Gamerscore) — Max out a friendly Corebot to level 30
* “The Architect” (10 Gamerscore) — Find Every Blueprint set.
* “Never Felt Better” (10 Gamerscore) — Upgrade Joule’s health to its maximum.
* “Prismatic Perfection” (10 Gamerscore) — Find all the Prismatic Cores.
* “Bargain Basin” (10 Gamerscore) — Find all Hardware pickups in the Lonely Basin after Plyon 512 is repaired.
* “Cradle Robber” (10 Gamerscore) — Find all Hardware pickups in The Cradle.
* “Exclusion Zoner” (10 Gamerscore) — Find all Hardware pickups in the Shifting Sands.

The overview for all these in-game Collectibles locations is listed below.

Table of Contents

Index of ReCore Guides:

ReCore Collectibles

What are the missing Collectibles covered here?:

* ReCore Switches Locations Guide
* ReCore Yellow Keys Locations Guide
* ReCore Audio Logs Locations Guide AKA ReCore Log Book Entries Locations Guide
* ReCore Prismatic Cores Locations Guide
* ReCore Supply Caches Locations Guide AKA ReCore Hardware Pickups Locations Guide
* ReCore Health Boosters Locations Guide AKA ReCore Joule’s Health Upgrades Locations Guide
* ReCore Blueprint Sets Locations Guide
* ReCore Energy Rifle Attachments Locations Guide

Does the game save each Collectibles you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Collectibles you just collected if you picked up the Collectible, so you don’t have to play to the end of the mission. After picking up each collectible you can safely quit the mission without losing collectibles progress. – Once collected, these Collectibles cannot be picked up again.

Note: Collecting the Collectables will give you more access for backtracking, additional backstory, increases your health total, and some nice bonus XP to level up your Corebots.

Where to find all Collectibles in ReCore? The in-game collectibles locations for the Collectibles are described in this detailed video guide.

The Collectibles are listed in the video in the order that they show up in each mission or dungeon.

Assembly Collectibles

All of the Collectible locations on the “Assembly” dungeon are shown in this video guide. This includes the Switches, Yellow Key, Audio Logs, Prismatic Cores, Supply Caches, and Health Booster Locations.

How to get to the Assembly Dungeon: The dungeon entrance is at the bottom area of the cradle region.

Crucible Collectibles

All of the Collectible locations on the “Crucible” dungeon are shown in this video guide.

Pylon 512 Collectibles

All of the Collectible locations on the “Pylon 512” mission are shown in this video guide.

How to get the final chest: If you cannot reach it yet, return to that last chest when you get your Seth Corebot.

Cavern Rush Collectibles

All of the Collectible locations on the “Cavern Rush” dungeon are shown in this video guide.

The Brood Hive Collectibles

All of the Collectible locations on the “The Brood Hive” dungeon are shown in this video guide.

Part 2:

ReCore Collectibles Locations Guide continues on Page 2 with All Energy Rifle Attachments & Audio Logs.