DOOM 2016 Weapons Locations Guide

Mission 8: BFG-9000 Weapon Location

Coming up is the most epic weapon that you can find in the eight mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 8: A Brighter Tomorrow” at the Advanced Research Complex.

Timeline in minutes for the Mission 8 Weapons:

• [6:12] — Weapon Location #11: BFG-9000 — After talking to the Doctor Samuel Hayden 3/4ths through the level, he hints at your affinity for guns getting rewarded on his next mission for you… As you explore the weapons facility, you’ll find Dr. Peter’s corpse (with Yellow Security Clearance) to use for accessing the ARC facility section called “BFG Lab Prime” where it is in development. Unfortunately the facility’s A.I. isn’t so easily fooled and detects you’re not him, causing laser defense to appear. Taking out the laser beams’ power sources (with rockets) on the underside of their moving platform will make the lasers crash into the tablet below to reveal the BFG-9000! Finally the Big Fucking Gun is back in your hands!

Mission 9: Siphon Grenade Weapon Location

Here’s the next weapon you can find in the ninth mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 9: Lazarus” at the Lazarus Tanks area.

Timeline in minutes for the Mission 9 Weapons:

• [0:11] — Weapon Location #12: Siphon Grenade

Mission 10: No Weapon Locations

There are no new weapons to find in the tenth mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 10: Titan’s Realm”.

Mission 11: No Weapon Locations

Here are no new weapons for you to find in the eleventh mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 11: The Necropolis”.

Mission 12: No Weapon Locations

Again no new weapons to find in the twelfth mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 12: I Am VEGA” at VEGA Central Processing.

Mission 13: Chainsaw Fuel Locations

Up last is the Chainsaw weapon ammo you can find in the thirteenth mission of DOOM 2016, titled “Mission 13: The Well” at Argent D’Nur.

Timeline in minutes for the Mission 13 Weapons:

• [0:09] — Chainsaw Fuel — In the Secret Room alcove with the Green Orb and Chainsaw Fuel – [In-game Secret #3: Uncharted Territory #1]

• [1:14] — Chainsaw Fuel — In the Secret Room behind skeleton mouth Red Skull door has another Green Orb and Chainsaw Fuel combo – [In-game Secret #2: Uncharted Territory #2]

There you go! All Weapons in DOOM 2016 are yours to find! 🙂

I hope these tips helped you get all of the Weapons hidden in the game.

Please check out our other “How To” guides listed at the top of Page 1 to enjoy DOOM 2016 more! 😀

Huge thanks to GamesBoiler, 360GameTV & GamerForEternity for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional DOOM 2016 Weapons location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!