Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Voodoo Dolls Locations Guide

Welcome to the Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Voodoo Dolls locations guide that helps you find the total of 10 Voodoo Dolls locations for the Xbox 360, PS3, PC & PS Vita action-adventure stealth game.

Finding all 10 Voodoo Doll locations and picking them up will help unlock the following Achievement / Trophy:
* “Persona Collector” (Gold Trophy on PS3 / Silver Trophy on PS Vita / 40 Gamerscore on Xbox 360) — Collect every persona-specific collectible; namely find the Precious Stones, Assassin’s Coins, and Voodoo Dolls.
* Bonus: Once all voodoo dolls have been collected, a special outfit for the Slave Persona is unlocked.

The Timeline for all these in-game Voodoo Dolls locations is listed below.

Index of Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Guides:

Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Voodoo Dolls

Locations Overview: There are a total of 10 Voodoo Dolls in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD. Five dolls can be found in New Orleans and the other five are in the Bayou. As the tutorial explains, you can pickpocket houngans (male indians) to acquire special voodoo dolls.

How to find missing Voodoo Dolls?: Only the Slave Persona can pick up these specific collectibles! She’ll need to pickpocket houngans to acquire the dolls. It can be confirmed as being Voodoo Dolls simply by walking up to the man, and pickpocketing him to receive the doll, then the on-screen text will tell you that you have “Item Transfer – Voodoo Doll Obtained”.

Tip: To check how many Voodoo Dolls you have already found, go to “Inventory” and then select “Items” in the pause menu.

Does the game save each Voodoo Dolls you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Voodoo Dolls you just collected if you received the Voodoo Doll, and the item transfer has completed, as indicated on-screen.

Where to find all Voodoo Dolls in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD? The in-game collectibles locations for the men carrying the Voodoo Dolls are described in this detailed video guide.

The Voodoo Dolls are listed in the video in the order that they appear.

Timeline in minutes for the Voodoo Dolls Locations Guide:

• Voodoo Doll Location #1 – New Orleans – 0:05
• Voodoo Doll Location #2 – New Orleans – 0:31
• Voodoo Doll Location #3 – New Orleans – 0:55
• Voodoo Doll Location #4 – New Orleans – 1:20
• Voodoo Doll Location #5 – New Orleans – 1:46
• Voodoo Doll Location #6 – The Bayou – 2:08
• Voodoo Doll Location #7 – The Bayou – 2:34
• Voodoo Doll Location #8 – The Bayou – 2:59
• Voodoo Doll Location #9 – The Bayou – 3:22
• Voodoo Doll Location #10 – The Bayou – 3:47

There you go! All Voodoo Dolls in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD are yours! 🙂

Huge thanks to Powerpyx for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Voodoo Dolls location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!