Assassin’s Creed 4 Walkthrough

Sequence 2: Good While It Lasted

Memory 1: Lively Havana

Memory 1 “Lively Havana” Objective: Edward – pretending to be the Assassin Duncan Walpole – is following Stede, in search of a place to stay before his risky meeting with the governor.

Memory 2: …And My Sugar?

Memory 2 “…And My Sugar?” Objective: The maps Edward hoped to sell to Governor Torres have been seized by guards. Find where they have been taken and recover them.

Memory 3: Mister Walpole, I Presume?

Memory 3 “Mister Walpole, I Presume?” Objective: Disguised as the Assassin Duncan Walpole, Edward must deliver various maps and a strange crystal cube to the Governor of Havana.

Memory 4: A Man They Call The Sage

Memory 4 “A Man They Call The Sage” Objective: In anticipation of getting his reward, Edward must meet the Templars near the docks.

Memory 5: Claiming What’s Due

Memory 5 “Claiming What’s Due” Objective: Disappointed with the size of his reward, Edward decides to infiltrate Torres’ compound and rescue the man called the Sage.

Memory 6: The Treasure Fleet

Memory 6 “The Treasure Fleet” Objective: Shackled in bilboes in the hold of a Spanish treasure ship, Edward decides life would be better if he escaped.

More sequences coming soon, please check back daily for updates.

Up next are…

Sequence 3: A Pirate’s Life For Me
Sequence 4: No Apologies
Sequence 5: Death Of A Salesman
Sequence 6: Mixing Up The Medicines
Sequence 7: The Hammer Falls
Sequence 8: Adrift
Sequence 9: A New Hope
Sequence 10: My Elusive Fortune
Sequence 11: Been Down So Long…
Sequence 12: Just Like Starting Over
Sequence 13: Saw That One Coming…
Present Day Mission 1: Abstergo Entertainment
Present Day Mission 2: Routine Hacking
Present Day Mission 3: Getting Weird Around Here
Present Day Mission 4: Bunker Buddies
Present Day Mission 5: It’s All Good
Aveline Missions

Huge thanks to Ubisoft & XCV for the walkthrough videos.

Do you need help anywhere? Please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below. We’re here to help out!