Batman Arkham Origins Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages Locations Guide

Welcome to the Batman Arkham Origins Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages locations guide that helps you find the total of 8 Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages as part of the Gotham Intel locations for the Xbox 360, PS3, PC & Wii U action-adventure game.

Finding all 8 Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page locations and scanning them will help unlock the following:
* They count towards the “First Riddler” Achievement / Trophy, which requires you to find 100% of the collectibles in the game.
* Bonus: Each Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page you scan earns you 15,000 XP.
* Note: There are a total of 8 Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages, but aside from the letters / voice recordings (audio files) from Pinkney, you get no additional extra perks for scanning them all.

The Timeline for all these in-game Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages locations is listed below.

Index of Batman Arkham Origins Guides:

Batman Arkham Origins Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages

This is a tutorial for completing the side mission to discover what happened to Cyrus Pinkney. Gotham’s longest running cold case.

How to find missing Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages?: In-game the bronze colored Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages will appear on walls as page-size stone plaques, whenever you’re in Detective Vision. You must scan it to collect it. You will find his 8 plaques all around Gotham.

It can be confirmed as being Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages simply by reading the on-screen text after you scan it, as it will then tell you: “Journal Page Recorded”.

The official description reads: “Plaque commemorating Cyrus Pinkney, regarded as the architect of modern Gotham City. Scannable in Detective Vision.”
Upon seeing one for the first time, Batman remarks: “Hmmm. There’s something hidden here. It looks like a page from a journal.”

You can see which ones you have found by pressing Select on your controller and choosing Database, and then going to Gotham Intel.

Does the game save each Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages you collect?: Yes, the game will automatically save the Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages you just collected after you scanned the Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page, so you don’t have to play to the end of the mission. After finding each collectible you can safely quit the mission without losing collectibles progress.

Note: Collecting the Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages will also give you some nice bonus 15,000 XP that enables you to buy Batman Upgrades faster.

Tip: Scanning them all adds to the Gotham Intel Database for you to check out each of Cyrus Pinkney’s letters / voice recordings, the architect who built many of the buildings in Gotham.

Where to find all Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages in Batman Arkham Origins? The in-game collectibles locations for the Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages are described in this detailed video guide.

The Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages are listed in the video in random order.

Timeline in minutes for the Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages Locations Guide:

• 0:00 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #1: Page 7 can found at the Park Row church, the back of the Old Gotham Cathedral.
• 1:10 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #2: Page 1 can found at the Park Row abandoned courthouse, on the back of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse statue.
• 1:30 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #3: Page 2 can found at The Bowery area on top of the Gotham Merchants Bank, it’s right underneath the bell.
• 1:51 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #4: Page 3 can found at the Amusement Mile to the Gotham City Rail Station, it’s in between two open gates (opposite an Enigma datapack).
• 2:19 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #5: Page 4 can found at The Bowery area, next to the Jezebel Theater front doors.
• 2:47 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #6: Page 5 can found on the Gotham Pioneers Bridge, it’s on the middle tower under the left gold statue (when looking south).
• 3:11 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #7: Page 6 can found between the Coventry and Burnley districts, it’s underneath the road, near the sewers.
• 3:26 — Cyrus Pinkney Journal Page Location #8: Page 8 can found at the Cyrus’ crypt on the eastern edge of Burnley. Go into the big door to find the final plaque.

There you go! All Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages in Batman Arkham Origins are yours! 🙂

Huge thanks to JBrosGaming for the guide videos and tips.

Please comment if you have any additional Batman Arkham Origins Cyrus Pinkney Journal Pages location tips of your own, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting!