Dragon Age 3 Wallpaper (HD)

Welcome to our Dragon Age 3 wallpaper page!

Here we will post Dragon Age 3 wallpapers and artwork images that you can use as desktop wallpapers. Most will be in 1920 HD and widescreen for you to download to your computer or PS3. We will add to this gallery as we find cool new Dragon Age 3 wallpapers.

Click on a wallpaper in the gallery to see if it’s in 1920, 1680, 1280 or 1024 resolution.

To download to your PC computer: Right click on the Image. Select “Set as Background Image.”

To download to your Mac computer: Click Image to Download to Desktop. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click Desktop & Screen Saver. Click “Choose Folder…”.

The Dragon Age 3 RPG offers players a new adventure in the fantasy world of Thedas. Although BioWare has suggested a new protagonist will lead the way in Dragon Age III: Inquisition, Dragon Age II characters like Hawke are hinted to still be in the world, although it’s unclear in what capacity they’ll play a role in the game.

The game’s premise is as follows: Where Dragon Age: Origins was about saving Ferelden from the Blight, Dragon Age II was all about creating the conflict that fuels Dragon Age 3. BioWare has said that Dragon Age II was the big setup for the third game’s goal to be… “Save the world from… itself!”

The game is coming out sometime in Fall 2013 and is expected to appear on PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

Here is the a Dragon Age 3 discussion on a DA series panel.

Credit: BioWare. These Dragon Age 3 wallpapers are from the official Dragon Age 3 website, as well as based off official artwork provided by EA.