The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Walkthrough

Chapter 7: Barksdale

Next stop, the town of Barksdale.

Chapter 8: Archer Creek & Chapter 9: Danvers

If you want to see the road leading up to Chapter 8, look at the previous Chapter at 14 minutes in.

We arrive at Archer Creek, as we travel to the hydroelectric dam facility where 40 families are holed up to survive.

At 8 minutes Chapter 9 begins in the town of Danvers, where we travel to find out if ClaraChem Pharma’s biotech research labs have a serum to stop the zombie outbreak.

Chapter 10: Sherwood

Our final destination is Sherwood, where the military runs an ongoing evacuation site.


Let’s finish the final marked destination on the map. Still in Sherwood, after missing the evac helicopter on the roof, we try and find a way out via the military evac site.

The End.

Thanks to Doug for the walkthrough videos.

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