Dead or Alive 5 Release Date Announced. Demo Confirmed

Tecmo Koei has confirmed the Dead or Alive 5 release date is worldwide in September of 2012!

The Team Ninja developed fighting game will be released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and is the first game in the series to be released simultaneously on both consoles. Then we’ll find out if Tecmo Koei’s promises of “more interactive stages” and “fighting entertainment” will come true.

It was also announced that the first print run of Ninja Gaiden 3 (due March 20th) comes with a “Dead or Alive 5 Demo Alpha Version” download code, but strangely it’s different for both PS3 and Xbox 360 owners. The PS3 demo gets Hayate and Ayane as playable characters, and the Xbox 360 gets Hayabusa and Hitomi as playable characters. And, at least in Japan that we know of, if you want to play a demo with all four characters you’ll have to buy the Collector’s Edition.

Here’s the Latest DOA5 preview by OXM found on the Xbox Live home menu the other day.

Via Joystiq & Andriasang