Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough

Chapter 9: Perseus Veil – Speak with the Quarians & Disable the Geth Dreadnought

The “Priority: Perseus Veil” mission takes place aboard the Quarian Envoy Ship (in the Far Rim near Oholen) to speak with the Quarians. And then moves on to disable the Geth Dreadnought that’s sending the Reaper signal influencing Geth troops.

About the Quarian Envoy Ship: This diplomatic frigate is like no quarian ship on record. Its hull is relatively low temperature and it appears to be venting heat in a manner similar to that of the Normandy when it comes out of stealth mode. How the quarians developed this high-tech vessel is unknown, but its hailing frequences are open and welcoming messages are being tightbeamed to the Normandy.

The quarian fleet offers both technical specialists and support ships to assist with the Crucible. Meet the quarian admirals and obtain their help in the war effort.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 2 of “Perseus Veil” is called “Geth Dreadnought – Disable the dreadnought”.

Tali has been recruited as a squad mate for this mission! Yes!

The second part of the “Priority: Perseus Veil” mission takes place on a Geth Dreadnought, which you must disable.

About the Geth Dreadnought: Scans of the geth dreadnought orbiting Rannoch reveal an intimidating array of features, from an improved main gun and ultraviolet antiship lasers to increased thruster output. The geth workforce never demands rest, wages, or autonomy, and in the creation of their flagships, they were limited only by time and raw materials. The damage inflicted by the quarian fleet appears minor at best.

The quarians have tried to retake their homeworld from the geth. Unfortunately, the geth have been upgraded by the Reapers, and the quarian fleet is trapped. Travel to the quarian home system and disable the geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper control signal.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 3 of “Perseus Veil” called “Geth Dreadnought – Disable the dreadnought”.

In the aftermath of the dreadnought battle we talk to the admirals, Legion, and Normandy crew.

Had to put these Quarian Admirals in line – that arse Gerrel almost got me killed, and Xen is trying to get to my buddy Legion. Not on my watch.

Legion offers to help!

More crew reactions after the Priority: Geth Dreadnought mission.

Mission: N7 – Fuel Reactors

To find the “N7: Fuel Reactors” mission, go to the Silean Nebula’s Kypladon system for the Cyone planet.

A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on desperately needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

The Cyone garden world’s claim to military fame is its that it was assaulted repeatedly during the Krogan Rebellions, but never occupied by more than token forces. The asari cut off the krogan supply line at the Citadel relay and drove the invaders out. Today, anitmatter generators on the surface and in orbital stations provide fuel for military starships throughout asari space. The matriarchs defending the planet today have vowed to maintain Cyone’s legacy — they pledge it will fall to no enemy, organic or synthetic.

Complete three multiplayer matches or five N7 missions to unlock the Explorer Achievement / Trophy.

On the next page we continue the walkthrough with chapter “Rannoch – Geth Fighter Squadrons”.