Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough

Mission: Arrae – Find Ex-Cerberus Scientists

Go to Minos Wasteland’s Arrae system, Gellix planet.

A group of top-level scientists have cut ties with Cerberus and are fleeing their former employer. Rescue the scientists before Cerberus can find them. In the process we meet up with another former crew member we can’t recruit this time around, it’s Jacob.

Gellix was given to the krogan after the Rachni Wars, but bitterly contested in the Krogan Rebellions and reconquered by the turians. This left the turians as caretakers to a levo-amino-acid-based world that they could not inhabit themselves but were unwilling to give up. In cooperation with the Vol Protectorate, the turians attempted to rent the planet out for colonization. Between the high price and the surface littered with unexploded ordnance, however, Gellix found no new inhabitants.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 2 of “Arrae – Find Ex-Cerberus Scientists”.

Crew reactions and conversation after the Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists mission.

Mission: Kallini – Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

Go to the Nimbus Cluster’s Mesana system, Lesuss planet. There, investigate the Asari colony.

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastary – Asari commandos disappeared while answering a distress call sent from an Ardat-Yakshi monastery. Investigate the monastery, and destroy if necessary.

Lesuss is an unpopular garden world, with characteristics just outside of the comfort zone of its asari population. Its gravity is a little too high, its diseases a little too virulent, and the soil inhospitable for growing food. Further information is difficult to come by — the asari government is uncharacteristically silent about Lesuss. normally, a garden world settled so long ago would be highly populated, but a little light pollution can be seen on Lesuss’s night side.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough for Part 2 of “Kallini – Ardat-Yakshi Monastery”.

Crew conversations after the Kallini: Ardate-Yakshi Monastery mission.

On the next page we continue the walkthrough with side-missions in “The Citadel Chatting”.