Uncharted 3 Walkthrough

Chapter 11: As Above As Down Below

First thing you will need to do is make your way down the ladder and make your way onto the ground below.

Begin by searching around the room and Sully will point out some feature in the wall,talking about a moon symbol, once he has finished talking about the moon symbol, you will need to look on the floor and locate the moon symbol.

Once you have found this symbol, stand on it, Now you will need to pull out your map, keep the map at the level of the pillars and slowly begin turning until the map drawing lines up with the three pillars.

It will only line up with the matching pillars, so if you dont get the map first, you will need to try and shift your view a little and continue turning slowly.

Once they have lines up, Drake will order everyone in the room to activate the switches in the pillars at the same time. Once he has told everyone what to do, walk up and activate the pillar directly in front of you.

Head through the door and follow the path.

Keep following the path and head through the next door which will bring you to a room filled with limbs.

Make your way to the middle of the room, this will activate a cut-scene.

Drake will light a torch that will shine a large circular pattern, you will need to walk to the back of the room and begin shinning your torch, looking through the torch at the limbs, you will need to find a space that places all the random parts together to recreate the shadow of a man holding a spear stabbing the victim that is already on the wall.

It will be easiest to find the right position by walking backwards from the point where you will collect the torch and then side stepping to the right looking through the torch as you go along.

Once the door is open, you will need to follow on with the rest of the team.

Head through the newly opened door and follow the stairs, we have now arrived at another puzzle, you are going to need to pick up the gears that have circles and crosses.

You will need to place the gears in alternating orders.

You will have to have a wonder around to find any pieces that are missing.

Once you have placed all the pieces turn the lever and this will cause the main door to open.

Head back down the stairs and through the newly opened door in between the statues.

Keep following the path round and up the ladder where you will need to head over the bridge and into the arch way.

Light the large object in the centre of the room.

Uncharted 3 Walkthrough – Chapter 11: Part 2

Once you have lit the torch, you will need to use your torch to keep the spiders away from you, following the path and keep waving the spiders away.

You will also need to watch out as whilst your trying to tackle the spiders there will be a couple of gun shots firing at you!

Head towards the door, Elena

Eventually Elena will open the door allow you both to head through.

Once through you will need to follow on with one another through the building.

When you make it back to the first section you arrived in, you will be swarmed by an ambush, use the pillars to for protection whilst your taking out all those enemies.

Remember, if you have grenades USE THEM!

Try to sneak up on the enemies from behind and quietly assassinate them.

Pick up any weapons and ammo that the enemies drop too.

Once you have cleared the room, you will need to make your way back up the metal bars and up the ladder, dropping it with Elena and Sully.

You will then enter a cut-scene.

After the cut-scene you would have been shot by one of those darts, you will need to move through the streets and through the people.

Keep following the path and listening to the voice.

Once you have finished walking through the crowd, you will come from from the dart and a cut-scene will occur.

Chapter 12: Abducted

Once you have watched the cut-scene it is time to take on the large brawl!

Keep pressing the buttons that pop onto your screen.

It can be a pretty tough scene but you need to be patient and just keep kicking their butts!

Once you have taken out all the enemies, you will need to make your way up the ladder located on the left, head over the crates and jump onto the smaller crates that will allow you to grab onto the ledges above.

Make your way across the ledges on the angled ladder.

Once you have made your way up the ladder, you will need to jump onto the green crate carrier located in the middle.

It will fall down allowing the door to open.

Head through the door and pick up a weapons pack.

You will need to head to the left and through the exit doors.

The last door you will need to push open.

Welcome to the Shipping Graveyard.

Look for the rope that is dangling in mid air, jump over to it then grab onto the pipes in front of you.

Make your way down the anchor of the ship and into the water, you will need to dive under he obstacles you come into contact with.

Head around the buoy and onto the floating crate. You will then need to take out the enemy that is sitting on the crate in front of you.

After you have taken him out, make your way over to the end of the ship where you will need to make your way over to where those enemies are located.

You will need to jump down into the water and dive down to avoid getting shot, whilst your doing this, you will need to also take out the enemies on the floating crates.

After taking them all out, make your way across the water onto the ship in front of you, there will be a couple more enemies to take out here.

Remember to pick up any weapons lying on the floor. Head up the ladder on the beam of the ship, you will need to jump across to the hanging item in the middle, once it falls against the ships, you will need to make your way onto the ship it lands against, time to take out more enemies.

Once you have cleared them out, you will need to head across the ship picking up goodies as you go.
Push the crate over board, and use the beam to get across to the other side.

Once over on the other side, make your way across the ledges and down onto the yellow pole.

Swing your self across to the platform just in front of you.

Heading up the stairs and over the gap, keep going up the stairs and over the beam, you will then need to jump across to the rope and onto the ladder in front.

Fall and you will die!

Uncharted 3 Walkthrough – Chapter 12: Part 2

Make your way along the skeleton of the ship, watching out for the enemies that are located on the ship, there will be a pistol to pick up once you have assassinated the enemy in font of you.

Once you have taken out the enemy, you will need to climb and shoot your way up the where the enemies are located above you.

Once you have cleared out all those enemies you can see, make your way up the grab ons and head up to the ledge above.

Use the metal boxes on the sides of the metal wall for protection. Once up onto the ledge, you will need to take out a couple more enemies, once you have taken them out jump down onto the ledge below and take out the enemies located in front of you.

Once you have cleared them out, proceed forward. Keep making your way up the ledges taking out the enemies as you go.

Once you have made it to the top, you will need to pick up any weapons and ammo lying on the floor, carry on making your way up the side of the ship to the enemies above.

Once you have cleared them out, take the ladder up onto the upper deck, head to the left hand side and swing across the poles onto the rope, you will need to grab onto the metal bar in front and lift yourself up onto the ledge, watch out for the bullets.

You are now in the control tower, this will activate a cut-scene.

After the cut-scene, you will need to slide yourself down the rope and take out the enemy, you will enter a short cut-scene and land into the water, you will need to make your way over to the floating crate with the two boxes on, use these for protection whilst you are taking out the enemies.

Jump back into the water for protection from the enemies.

Lift yourself up onto the crate and make your way up the yellow pipes into the ship, head up the ladder, you will need to jump off the ledge and head through the door where more enemies will be waiting, watch out for the grenades they throw.

Once you have taken them out, head through the door, this will lead you to Chapter 13.

Chapter 13: Rough Sea’s

Now they would like you to sneak around, well as you all know sneaking does not work in Drake, the best way to make your way over to the enemies is to use the water, diving in and out of the floating objects taking out the enemies as you see them.

Make your way up onto the floating object and take out the enemies you can see, watch out for the red scopes, when you see them take cover, you can take cover in the water or behind the objects you can use.

Whilst your taking out the enemies, you will need to pick up any items that you can need against them, such as ammo , grenades and new weapons.

After you have taken out the last guy on the deck, make your way over to the green bridge that leads onto the blue boat, have a wonder around this area taking out any enemies you can see, there will be some goodies to pick up whilst your having a wonder around.

Make your way over to the lever and turn down the bridge making your way towards the boat,

Once you have landed in the water, you will need to get back onto the decks and start to take out the enemies you can see.

Once you have cleared out the enemies, head over the ramp, you will need to watch out as there is a tilde wave coming towards you!

This will cause a cut-scene, once you have watched the short cut-scene, you will need to run towards the blue boat and land on it, once on the boat take out the enemies that are on board.

Once you have cleared the boat of enemies, you will need to take out the enemies on the boat to the left of you, use your rocket launcher to clear them out quicker.

Chapter 14: Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’

Now you have made it onto the boat, you will need to head up the stairs and follow the boat round, you will need to keep on running, you will then need to jump onto the life coat, there will be a short quick time cut-scene, you will need to climb up the broken pole and head up to the upper decks.

There will be enemies here to take out, take out the first enemy by assassinating him quietly, make your way around the area of the boat, sticking in cover and taking out the enemies quietly.

Whilst your going in and out of the crates, you will need to pick up weapons and ammo as you go, use the crates for protection from enemy fire.

Make sure you stay in cover, use your grenades and pick up any weapons you can get your hands on.

After clearing out the first wave of enemies, head through the red door which will lead you to the poor area, there will be some weapons for you to pick up here.

Make your way through the rotating door that has the flashing light outside, once your inside, enemy will be waiting for you!

Try and do it quietly, if not just get in there and take them all out!

Have a wonder around the area, picking up goodies as you go, there will be enemies located on the upper level of the ship, watch out for the snipers.

Enemies will burst through the exit door on the right, head through the door once you have taken out the enemies, you will then need to make your way around the outside of the boat to get to the Hull of the boat.

Take out the enemy near the door, as you move forward take out the enemies quietly not to bring the rest running towards you.

Stay in the shadows and wait for the enemies to pass before taking them out.

Head down the stairs and into the Hull of the boat, jump onto the pillar with the number 4 on and make your way down to Sully.

You will enter a cut-scene.

Chapter 15: Sink or Swim

After the cut-scene, you will need to take out all the enemies that will be located round the Hull of the ship, you will need to take cover and keep rolling and diving from the enemy bullets.

It is a good idea to use short rounds instead of constantly shooting.

If you have a clear shot of their head then lay into them!

Use your grenades to help you along with this fight, there is a ton of ammo and weapons lying around, you will need to swim into the water that is flooding the boat, keep kicking and you will make it to the surface, head up the panels and through the door.

You will need to get moving as the water is coming!

There will be a button pressing part but its nothing to hard! Keep pressing your TRIANGLE button.

You will then need to dive under and swim through the grates, you will make it through the crate, but then you will need to do some serious running and lifting yourself up as the water is coming for you!

Make sure you watch the gaps, once you have made it through the door, you will need to climb your way up the sinking boat, heading upwards and through the doors, using anything you can grab onto.

Once on the outside of the boat, you will need to walk across the narrow ledges, watch out for the gaps, head into the lift and press the button.

Once you have landed on the chandelier, jump into the rope in the middle and throw yourself against the middle section of the light.

Keep running and jumping through the aquarium, once again its time to run!!!