Alice Madness Returns Memories Locations Guide (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Chapter 3: Oriental Grove

There are a total of 19 Memories to be found in this Chapter.

Vale of Doom

Memory 1: Radcliffe: Accidents Do Happen
You will find it inside a cave behind the honeycomb wall just before the ramp leading to the hookah.

Memory 2: Liddell: Smoking on the Sky
You will find it on the high platform to the left as you are passing through the invisible platforms. You will need to shoot the timer on the rock platform straight ahead from the 3rd invisible platform in order for vents to appear to get to the platform with the memory.

Memory 3: Pris: Ode to Blistered Skin
You will find it up in the high area behind the honeycomb when you come across another hookah. You will need to continue forward through the platforms and vents. When you come across the last vent, go left onto the higher platform to find invisible platforms leading you up to the area behind the honeycomb to get the memory.

Scorched Earth

Memory 4: Aesthetic Opinion
You will find it behind a honeycomb wall on a high platform just before the area with the stairs. You will need to find and shoot Snout #3 in order to make a tile and a platform with a mushroom appear to get up there.

Memory 5: Liddell: The Pathetic Sailor
You will find it when you get to the area with the stairs, instead of proceeding up them, head to the far right for tiles to appear in the water leading you to a secret tunnel. Finally shrink down and head through this tunnel to grab it.

Memory 6: Bumby: The “Guy” on Fire
You will find it behind the honeycomb to your right after going up the stairs from the area you found Memory #5 in and contining along and up the invisible platforms and vents leading to the next area.

Memory 7: Pris: A Medical Opinion
You will find it hidden at the end of a tunnel behind a fake stone with a flower design on it. This will just be after defeating some enemies and right before more invisible platforms. Finally just shrink down to reveal and passthrough the tunnel to get it.

Memory 8: Liddell: One Night Light
You will find it inside of the monastery to the left. You need to destroy the honeycomb wall and then place a bomb on the pressure pad. Finally look directly behind you for an elevator to lower leading you up to where the memory is above.

Memory 9: A Life in Chains
You will find it just after you finish the block puzzle at the end of the path to the left passed the door that opens from the cutscene. It will be at the end of a tunnel in between bamboo sticks.

Scroll of Happy Time

Memory 10: Radcliffe: Marmoreal Memory
You will find it just after you finish the mini-game and pass-through the tunnel. As soon as you exit the tunnel, and after the short cut-scene, look to your left to find Snout #6 on the wall. Then shoot this snout to make a vent appear and use it to get across. Finally shrink yourself to pass-through the tunnel to find the memory.

Monastery Shelf Valley

Memory 11: Nanny: Oriental Artifacts
You will find it on the platform to the left of the crying statue which will be just after you pull the fish chain to progress on with the chapter. Then shrink yourself down and pass-through the tunnel to find the memory.

Memory 12: Radcliffe: Conflagration’s Origin
You will find it on a rock platform by taking a right on the next wooden walkway you come across after pulling another fish chain. Make sure to grab this before heading through the door in the opposite direction.

Memory 13
You will acquire this automatically as you pass-through the door just after finding Memory #12 moments ago behind you.

Memory 14: Liddell: Music Must Soothe
You will find it behind a honeycomb wall right after you have completed the musical sequence. It will be to the right before passing through the doorway.


Memory 15: Bumby: Flush Away Pain
You will find it when you need to pull the fish chain to make 3 air vents appear. Then when you are crossing over to the 3rd vent, head to the right onto a rock ledge to find a tunnel to go through to find the memory.

Memory 16: Liddell: Naughty Times Two
You will find it on a fan near the beginning when you come across the praying ants. You will first need to shoot the snout in order to make more invisible platforms appear and make your way across them to get to 2 fans in the distance.

Memory 17: Liddell: A Desperate Plea
You will find it in the area where the fire breathing statues are. Head towards the left and then take a right when you reach the fire breath statue that is shooting straight ahead. Then jump across the large gap to find a tunnel to pass-through where you will find the 3rd Radula Room. Finally continue onwards down this same pathway to find the memory at the end.

Scroll of Dark Skies

There are no memories or other collectibles in this area. However, there are 5 Peaches to collect here.

West Peak Prison Village

Memory 18: Bumby: A Precious Lock
You will find it just shortly after completing the puzzle. Then continue to crossover the cages until you reach another rock ledge. Finally shoot the Snout on the high rock wall to the right of the green door for the cages to be lowered to crossover and find it inside the doorway to the right.

Hellish Hive

Memory 19: Liddell: Suffer for Art’s Sake
You will find it in the room after jumping down 2 honeycomb holes in the floor. You will then come across more hanging cages and before jumping on the last one to the large circular platform, find the Snout flying above it and shoot it. Finally jump across the tiles that appear on the left to find the memory inside the room at the top to the left of an ant statue.

Scroll of Destiny

There are no memories or other collectibles in this area. However, there are 4 Peaches to collect here.

Peak Temple

There are no memories or other collectibles in this area. However, there is a Shrink Sense Decal location here.