Hunted The Demon’s Forge wallpaper

Hunted: The Demon's Forge wallpaper 1
Welcome to our Hunted The Demon’s Forge wallpapers page!

Here we will post images that you can use as desktop wallpapers, both official and otherwise. We will add to this list as we find cool new wallpapers for the game. Note that we do not own nor did we create these wallpapers. Thanks to the prospective creators (whose names are kept in the filename of the image) for their creations.

To download to your PC computer: Right click on the Image. Select “Set as Background Image.”

To download to your Mac computer: Click Image to Download to Desktop. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click Desktop & Screen Saver. Click “Choose Folder…”.

Below you can find the rest of the Hunted The Demon’s Forge wallpapers.
Click on each thumbnail for the wallpaper size image to pop up.

Only one reason for this wallpaper. Can you guess?

Magic Attack!

The City, It Burns!

The Darkness Descending

Dino bones!

Minotaur strike!

Bones of the undead warriors

The Protector protects with his shield

The Wisened Old Trees

Here is a trailer for Hunted: The Demon’s Forge.