Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Rifts Locations Guide. Puzzles Answers for Subject 16’s The Truth included (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Rift Location #6 Cluster #6

Location: Antico District, East
This Rift is located just before the top of the Colosseum on the northwest side. There are multiple ways to get to the top of the Colosseum, as shown in the video below, I climb the outside of the Colosseum just below where the Rift is located and work my way up. You can get more of an exact location by watching the video below which provides a map of the specific location for further help.

Observation Puzzle Solution:
Select the left most image and then find the Templar cross over.

Cipher Puzzle Solution:
The second puzzle requires that you enter a certain key along with the correct passcode. The passcode is 20-27-33-13. If you have read the last part of the passcode being 27, that is incorrect. It is really 13, as shown in the video below too.

Amplitude Puzzle Solution:
In the third puzzle you should pick the first two on the top and the first one on the bottom.

Chess Puzzle Solution:
In the fourth puzzle you need to move the white Knight from G1 over to F3.

Quarantine Puzzle Solution:
The last part of this puzzle is to lift the quarantine. You do this by finding the 3 red targets fast enough, watch our video for more help.

Rift Location #7 Cluster #7

Location: Antico District, East
You will find this Rift on the northern side of the aqueduct wall. You can fast travel to the Palazzo Laterano Tunnel Entrance and head northeast or to Porta Nomentana Tunnel Entrance and head west.

You will then need to climb the Borgia Tower in order to get on top of the aqueduct wall. You can watch the video below to watch how this is exactly done and where exactly to go to and jump to. Then once you are on the aqueduct, drop down into the Rift from exactly above it.

Theme Puzzle Solution:
In the first puzzle you must select the images showing workers fighting the elements of nature. Don’t select fire ships and satellite images.

Observation Puzzle Solution:
The second puzzle requires you to scan the main image’s hand of Justice Roberts, scan over his left hand.

Cipher Puzzle Solution:
The third puzzle requires that you enter a certain key along with the correct passcode. The passcode is C-M-Z-K and the wheel alignment a space on top with “3” and “C” to the left of it. Watch the video below for more help.

Chess Puzzle Solution:
In the fourth puzzle you need to move the white Knight from B1 over to C3.

Quarantine Puzzle Solution:
The last part of this puzzle is to lift the quarantine. You do this by finding the 3 red targets fast enough, watch our video for more help.

Rift Location #8 Cluster #8

Location: Campagna District, North
You will find this Rift inside of the French Fortress on the western home inside of the area where Baron de Valois’ home is and the training area. You will not be able to access this area until Sequence 6. Then just climb up the small shack to the right of the Rift and then jump onto the wooden beam to reach the Rift above. You can get more of an exact location by watching the video below which provides a map of the specific location for further help.

Ring Puzzle Solution:
Ring 1: rotate right 4 times
Ring 2: rotate right 1 time
Ring 4: rotate left 3 times

Amplitude Puzzle Solution:
The second puzzle’s answer is selecting the first one on upper-left, the two lower ones in the middle, and one on the lower-right.

Chess Puzzle Solution:
In the third puzzle you need to move the King from E1 over to F2.

Quarantine Puzzle Solution:
The last part of this puzzle is to lift the quarantine. You do this by finding the 5 red targets fast enough, watch our video for more help.

Rift Location #9 Cluster #9

Location: Campagna District, South
This Rift is located on the outside eastern wall of the Barracks. You can fast travel to the Barracks Tunnel Entrance to get here. Then turn your Eagle Vision on and look up one of the outside walls where you see small windows along the wall. You will then need to climb the eastern wall and then drop down from the wall into the rift. You can get more of an exact location by watching the video below which provides a map of the specific location for further help.

Theme Puzzle Solution:
In the first puzzle you must select the images with telephone wires. Watch our video below for more help.

Amplitude Puzzle Solution:
The second puzzle’s answer is selecting the upper left, no middle, plus 1st, 2nd, and 4th on the right.

Chess Puzzle Solution:
In the third puzzle you need to move the Bishop from F1 over to G2.

Quarantine Puzzle Solution:
The last part of this puzzle is to lift the quarantine. You do this by finding the 5 red targets fast enough, watch our video for more help.

Rift Location #10 Cluster #10

Location: Vaticano District
Find this Rift on the southern wall at the Castel Sant’Angelo, it will be about half way up the wall just below a window. Make sure to turn on your Eagle Vision to locate it as you have been doing for the rest above you should see the Rift. You can get more of an exact location by watching the video below which provides a map of the specific location for further help, as well as how to exactly climb up to this Rift and where to start from.

Ring Puzzle Solution:
Ring 4: rotate right 5 times
Ring 1: rotate right 2 times
Ring 2: rotate right 2 times

Theme Puzzle Solution:
In the second puzzle you must select the images with children, not ideas.

Observation Puzzle Solution:
The third puzzle requires you to scan the upper image, revealing an eagle in flight.

Cipher Puzzle Solution:
The fourth puzzle requires that you enter a certain key along with the correct passcode. The key is 6105 and the passcode is 4048. You will need to continue watching this video to find out where to enter them and what the actual solutions are.

Amplitude Puzzle Solution:
The fifth puzzle’s answer is selecting the upper left, second from top (in the middle), and the last four on the right.

Chess Puzzle Solution:
In the sixth puzzle you need to move the king off the board, because you’re an Assassin and you don’t play by Abstergo’s rules!

Quarantine Puzzle Solution:
The last part of this puzzle is to lift the quarantine. There are many to select in this last and final one, it is in sort of a spiral just keep clicking and neutralizing them as you follow the targets.

Congratulations! You’ve just found all ten Rifts and unlocked Subject 16’s Cluster puzzles!

Do you want to know what “.. .- — .- .-.. .. …- .” means?

“.. .- — .- .-.. .. …- .” translates to “I am alive.”

The Truth Video

Now unlike in Assassin’s Creed 2 where you watched a video after finding all the Glyphs and completing the puzzles you watched a video there, this time around, it is a little different.

It shows you the brief scrambled video with audio, then presents you in a small and short playable unfinished type of world. There is only 1 path to go, and eventually you will come up to the end where you will repeat the same path a few times while creating your own new path to finish this.

Once you have selected the pieces you want to select, it does not matter, then go on that finished path to get a short cutscene with Subject 16 and afterwards it ends.

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