Lego Harry Potter Students in Peril Locations Guide

Year 3 Students In Peril Locations

Chapter 1 – News From Azkaban
13. On the train, in a room near where you begin, to rescue this student in peril, find them in the room with the Dark Magic Token.

Chapter 2 – Hogsmeade
14. Near a Snowman at the end of the street, after the snowball fight. To rescue this student in peril, hit the snowman to save them.

Chapter 3 – Mischief Managed
15. At a gate, to rescue this student in peril, open the gate with the silver lock.

Chapter 4 – The Shrieking Shack
16. Near a ladder where you’re attacked by Spiders, to rescue this student in peril, you’ll see him stuck in a spider web.

Chapter 5 – Dementor’s Kiss
17. To rescue this student in peril, you’ll find him after the record player movie scene. He’ll be stuck in some branches to your left.

Chapter 6 – The Dark Tower
18. In the room to the left of the fountain with the RD lock break it and go inside. To rescue this student in peril you’ll need to defeat the Dementor in this room.