Halo Reach animation reel discovered

Halo Reach artwork
The first footage of Halo Reach has been revealed in very early form via a demo reel that was posted online.

The web-site claims that the reel is 100% legitimate, although the video has since been taken down.

In the 14 seconds of animation by Bungie employee Will Christiansen, you can see an interesting animation that shows a soldier sneaking up on a Jackal, then smashing him with the end of his battle rifle. He then shoots him before following up with a punch. The next clip showed a dying scene of a soldier who has been injured in the midst of combat.

Sadly you can no longer see the video of the demo real. But you can check out some Halo Reach demo reel screenshots.

Here is the demo reel thanks to youtube!

Via Skoar

For more of the game in action, check out our Halo Reach walkthrough, Halo Reach achievements guide and Halo Reach data pads locations guide.