Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace and Red Joker cheats (DS)

Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker on DSMega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace on DSOn this page you’ll find Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace and Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker codes and cheats to enter into the DS-exclusive action-RPG to get white cards.

Go into cheat mode:
Go to your Profile screen (Menu -> Brother -> Center portrait). Press the White Card box on the top-right. Select four cards in the bottom of right. Enter code.
[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q]
[B] [F] [J] [N] [R]
[C] [G] [K] [O] [S]
[D] [H] [L] [P] [T]

Code — Its in-game effect:
LPBKDJ — Anger Fire 3, Time Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3
GHDRJL — Aqua +30, Bubble Hook 3, Shark Cutter 3, Dia Iceburn V2 (White Card 17)
HNDKLQ — Atomic Blazer, Attack +10, Beast Swing 1, Heat Upper 1 (Powered Red Joker)
IJMHQP — Barrier, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon (White Card 10)
GFKSLR — Beast Swing 1, Gravity Plus, Giza Wheel 1, Ice Spinning 1
TLSRPJ — Beast Swing 3, Beast Swing 3, Death Scythe 3, Heel Wizard 3
GLRHED — Beast Swing 3, Heel Wizard 2, Double Eater, Jack Corvus
EJHRPG — Black Ink, Flash Spear 2, Bubble Hook 1, Mummy Hand 2 (White Card 05)
KJRLBD — Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Sword Fighter 3, Acid Ace V3
JCKDBA — Break Sabre, Giza Wheel 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Acid Ace
RBDLCI — Break Sabre, Heat Upper 3, Heavy Down 3, Hammer Weapon 3
SIHFQK — Bubble Hook 1, Bubble Hook 1, Flash Spear 2, Inazuma Head 2 (White Card 04)
KQBPAH — Daba Flame 3, Heat Upper 3, Anger Fire 3, Machine Flame 3
KICMJT — Destroy Upper, Stun Knuckle, Freeze Knuckle, Poison Knuckle
JKIPTD — Double Eater, Beast Swing 3, Whistle, Great Axe (White Card 11)
BTRIFJ — Double Eater, Wide Wave 3, Bubble Hook 3, Queen Virgo
RSBQPH — Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 2, Edogiri Blade 1 (White Card 14)
THFLJI — Elec +30, Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 3, Spade Magnets V3
SLBHDT — Elec Slash, Sword Fighter 3, Wood Slash, Dancing Blade 3
KDANJH — Fire +30, Anger Fire 3, Ox Fire V2, Machine Flame 3 (White Card 16)
JRQTLA — Flash Spear 2, Shark Cutter 2, Heat Upper 2, Shuri Shuriken 2 (Fourth Element)
SKQALD — Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 2, Elec Slash, Elec Slash
JQMAKC — Giza Wheel 2, Ground Wave 2, Shuri Shuriken 1, Ice Spinning 1 (White Card 07)
SJBMPL — Great Axe, Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Hammer Weapon 3
ACTKGM — Green Ink, Dummy Spider 1, Shuri Shuriken 1, Thunder Shoot 2 (White Card 02)
DKLEAH — Hammer Weapon 3, Heat Upper 3, Great Axe, Grave Joker
JSTKAP — Heat Upper 2, Anger Fire 1, Time Bomb 2, Daba Flame 1
FJLEDR — Heavy Cannon, Drill Arm 2, Heat Upper 2, Heavy Dawn 1 (White Card 08)
HRJKBQ — Heel Wizard 1. Bubble Hook 1, Elec Slash, Dummy Spider 1 (White Card 09)
RTALSJ — Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 2, Blue Ink
DKMPHI — Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Flame Axe
BFGJIM — Ice Spinning 3, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Bubble Hook 3
DTOFKL — Jet Attack 3, Skull Arrow 3, Skull Arrow 3, Hammer Weapon 3
OGBFKL — Kogarashi 3, Death Scythe 3, Tornado Dance, Windy Attack 3
CSTKQN — Meteorite Barrage, Gravity Plus, Wide Wave 1, Beast Swing 1 (High-Speed Black Ace)
IJDCEO — MiniGrenade, Sword, WideSword, LongSword
JDFICS — Mummy Hand 3, Dummy Spider 3, Elec Slash, Thunder of Earth 3
BSCHLJ — Panic Cloud, Panic Cloud, Flash Spear 3, Powder Shot 3
SLDTCI — Plasma Gun, Stealth Laser 2, Mummy Hand 1, Inazuma Head 1 (White Card 01)
EGIKMP — Powder Shot 3, Vulcan Seed 1, Vulcan Seed 2, Shuri Shuriken 3
IDHBGT — Rolling Nuts 1, Rolling Nuts 2, Count Bomb 3, Machine Flame 1 (White Card 12)
STKGHM — Shuri Shuriken 3, Wide Wave 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Smile Coin 3
SHDETN — Sword Fighter 1, Ground Wave 3, Noised Wizard 2, Drill Arm 3
IDOSTE — Synchro Hook 1, Freeze Knuckle, Stun Knuckle, Heat Upper 3 (White Card 15)
KFHPLD — Tornado Dance, Air Spread 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Mad Vulcan 3
DFEJTH — Whistle, Drill Arm 1, Drill Arm 2, Windy Attack 1 (White Card 03)
MFQLHJ — White Meteor, Time Bomb 3, Heavy Dawn 3, Machine Flame 3
AGHTRQ — Wide Wave 2, Shark Cutter 2, Ice Grenade, Ice Grenade (White Card 13)
JDBPLC — Windy Attack 1, Windy Attack 1, Noised Wizard 1, Noised Wizard 2 (White Card 06)
TDAFIQ — Windy Attack 3, Typhoon Dance, Tornado Dance, Death Scythe 2
EMJKAD — Wood +30, Kogarashi 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Club Strong V3
MISBLT — Wood Slash, Dummy Spider 2, Shuri Shuriken 2, Stealth Lazer 2

The differences between Black Ace and Red Joker are minor:
* The Giga Class Cards for each version are different.
* And the Finalized Noise Form is version exclusive: As the game’s title implies Black Ace gets Black Ace, Red Joker gets Red Joker.

Make Sigma bosses appear at random:
At the title screen hold L and press these gold stars in order: S Comp Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, SS Star, and Black Ace Star. You should hear a confirmation if done correctly.

Codes list via Gamefaqs