How Mirror’s Edge fights motion sickness

Mirror's Edge Motion Sickness Dot Screenshots

Mirror’s Edge is an upcoming first-person adventure game which has you running along rooftops, sliding under objects and leaping between buildings (ala Prince of Persia or Assassin’s Creed) but all from a unique first-person perspective where you not only are seeing out of your characters eyes, but you realistically can see Faith’s arms and legs as she goes about her acrobatic feats.

Pre-Order Mirror's Edge for PS3So that may leave a lot of people wondering how the developers plans to combat motion sickness (or rather, “simulation sickness” since you aren’t actually moving) since the game looks so realistic. And EA has provided an answer…

They added a white dot in the middle of the screen. That dot turns blue when it’s charged for the slow motion action. So what is the purpose of said dot? EA said that DICE had interviewed ballerinas to see how they can perform spins without feeling sick. The trick they use is to focus on a certain object or spot on the floor while they spin, which inspired them to add the dot. That way players can focus on it as they run around. Although if you find it distracting or annoying, you do have the option to turn the dot off.

They also removed the head bobbing that you could see in footage from the Game Developer’s Conference, since they realized you are supposed to be seeing out of her eyes, not her head. They also made it so the sides of the screen provide a sense of peripheral vision in the game, although they haven’t decided whether or not to use letterbox widescreen for 4:3 resolution TV’s.

Via Joystiq