How did the Wii controller’s motion controls in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed turn out?

Pre-order Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for WiiMotion controls in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be the hot ticket to get the Wii version over the Xbox 360 & PS3 versions that feature more physics-based action. The good news is that according to a hands-on of the by IGN the Wii version “is extremely tight and reliable, and actually some of the best we’ve seen for any Wii action game. Swipes from left to right, right to left, vertical upper-cuts and slams, and even stab motions worked extremely well – nearly 100% of the time – and even dual-handed motion such as the huge fore maelstrom or complicated push + lighting variations worked almost flawlessly. Force Unleashed was fun last time around, but it was a total waggle-fest. This time, we were able to actually decide exactly how to dispose of enemies, and it was extremely rewarding. It was easy to throw characters into one another, lift a baddy up into the air and then saber throw, the lock-on camera worked great for bosses, and even the “tilt to the side” block with the Wii-mote worked every time we wanted it to. Force Unleashed had potential before, but it’s a blast to play now.”

Learn how the Nunchuck and Remote work in conjunction with the Force as you take on the roll of Darth Vader and his apprentice. Watch The Force Unleashed video interview that explains the controls.

The Star Wars: The Force Unleashed release date in America is September 16th, in Australia it’s September 17th, and in Europe it’s September 19th, 2008, on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP and DS.