Real-life Seaman created by Korean scientists. Yes, really, a fish with a human face like in the game.

Real-life Seaman fish with human face created
The Sega Dreamcast (PS2, PC) game Seaman featured a freshwater carp fish with a human face and when talked to it displayed a rather bad temper. Korean scientists have now developed actual carp fishes with human faces that look like Seaman! Very bizarre!

Seaman with MicrophoneThe fish is the result of artificial insemination between a carp and ayu sweetfish. As the fish grew larger, the design on the fish reportedly changed to look more like the face of a human being. Rare markings on a fish are considered a good omen in some Asian countries, according to a report, which does not clarify if the fish curses like a sailor that sounds like Leonard Nimoy.

Here’s the real-life Seaman news report on video:

I have to gloat for a moment and say I’m very proud of the comedic comparison picture I edited together up there.