PS3 controllers with rumble in development for month, available in 2007?

Sony PlayStation 3 Wireless Rumbleless Sixaxis ControllerTwo months ago in April, Sony paid force feedback developer Immersion $150 million in the PlayStation suit, thus allowing Sony to continue using the rumble technology in their PlayStation and PlayStation 2 models. At the time of announcement all they’d say is that they were in talks about including rumble in the PlayStation 3 controllers.

Now this month comes confirmation from two different Sony sources at Innerbits, who say Sony have been working on including rumble in their PS3 Sixaxis controllers for several months now and are just trying to work out the last of the kinks.

Sony is facing some difficulties with battery life. Meaning, between the rumble and the wireless support, the batteries are draining too fast to be acceptable for consumers. This should be solved by their engineering department in the near future. So hopefully we’ll see new PS3 Sixaxis controllers with rumble getting introduced before the end of 2007. Expect to hear from Sony at the new E3 from July 11 to 13.