Call of Duty 4 with modern war setting in development

Call of Duty 2Call of Duty 3 is barely out the door and a Ampednews source has already revealed Call of Duty 4 is in development at Infinity Ward, the development team behind the first two Call of Duty games. Listed are the first details:

* Call of Duty 4 will be coming to the PC as well as consoles. Where as Call of Duty 3 is only available on consoles, as well as the PSP.
* It will be based on modern combat, taking place on the battlefields of present day Middle East.
* While most shooters have two or three critical points on the head, Call of Duty 4 has 16. You can shoot the side of an opponent’s helmet to make it spin on their head, or knock the helmet clean off. Supposedly you will even be able to shoot an enemy’s ear off.
* Multiplayer features matches with 54 players.

While this info seems very plausible, according to Xboxic, Activision declined to confirm or deny its authenticity.

Some more details: In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare you’ll serve as part of the U.S. Army, U.S. Marines, and British S.A.S. to take on terrorists loyal to an aggressive Middle Eastern dictator. This war on terror must be fought all over the world — in locations as diverse as vessels at sea in the North Atlantic, secret terrorist cells in London, the urban streets of Eastern Europe, and, of course, the Middle East — as you try to stop a terrorist coalition from using its deadly chemical arsenal.

As a pilot in an Army attack helicopter, you’ll fly over cratered urban environments — with rocket-propelled grenades to boot — before you rope down as part of a Marine platoon to engage in close-quarters combat in a very different sort of environment from Call of Duty 2. It’s in this door-to-door implementation of battle that similarities to Rainbow Six 3 and Splinter Cell start to become apparent as you fight in squads, rappel down walls, and clear rooms with silenced guns, tear gas, flashbangs, and various specialized goggles. That doesn’t prevent you from utilizing all manner of authentic modern weaponry, however, including automatic grenade launchers, mines, and machine guns.

Modern Warfare will also feature deformable environments, where you can kick down and blow up doors, or take it to another next level with destructible walls, roads, buildings, and bridges. You’ll also be able to block doors with heavy obstacles like vehicles or furniture and block windows from grenades with a little chicken wire. But you’re not just limited to shooting what’s within your firearm’s reach: you can call in and laser-sight air strikes to knock out those pesky enemy tanks and sniper’s nests, too.

The first trailer for the PC, PS3 & Xbox 360 game: